Monday, July 2, 2012


Hello all!  My name is Wes and I am the Cast Iron Medic. The person with all of the information you need to use, clean, season, and restore cast iron cookware. 

For years I have been collecting and restoring cast iron cookware.  I love the weight of it, the feel of it, the look of it, and of course cooking with it.  In my opinion nothing cooks as well as a piece of old, well seasoned, cast iron.  It is good for everything from cooking bacon and eggs to pancakes to muffins and when properly season it will outperform and outlast most non-stick cookware available today and it last forever.  It is just hard to beat a good piece of cast iron cookware.

So why did I start this blog? Well I recently found there are a lot of people out there who own cast iron but don't use it. Some people are scared to use it while others have sticking problems because it is not seasoned properly while others can't seem to stop it from rusting between uses.  I am here to help with all of your problems.  Once you learn the proper way to use and care for your cast iron you will find it impossible to cook without it. 

I will be sharing all manner or cooking and cleaning techniques along with my thoughts on seasoning and restoration of old cookware.  I will be sharing some of the techniques I use to rescue a 100 year old piece from a rusty demise and I invite you to share your thoughts, projects, and questions.  I will do my best to answer all of your questions.  Look for my first post coming up this week so make sure you subscribe and join in on the fun.

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